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Why the Treskilling Yellow Stamp is a Collector’s Dream

Being someone who collects stamps has always intrigued me with the valuable ones there, in the world of philately. The Treskilling yellow stamp is considered the treasure, among collectors. This unique Swedish postage item was initially worth three öre. It has now become one of the most coveted stamps ever because of its exceptional rarity and fascinating background story.

Let’s uncover the tale of the Treskilling stamp. Its intriguing beginnings and what makes it highly sought after by collectors worldwide! I’ll also touch upon its auction prices. Why enthusiasts are eager to invest significant amounts to possess this small but significant postal artifact. In the end you’ll grasp why this stamp remains a treasure, among philatelists such, as me.

The Treskilling yellow stamp holds a past that starts with an origin and unfolds through a sequence of extraordinary findings and shifts, in ownership over time. This small fragment of heritage has evolved into a collector’s dream that enchants stamp enthusiasts globally due, to its narrative and unmatched scarcity.

The Accidental Creation

In 1855 when Sweden introduced its postage stamps for the time marked the debut of the Treskilling yellow stamp in a set of five values featuring the Swedish coat of arms on each one. Then, in Swedens currency system based on skillings denomination; the plan was for the three skilling stamps to be produced in green and the eight skilling stamps, in yellow ink; however an intriguing mistake happened during printing.

It is thought that a defective printing plate meant for the eight skilling stamp was accidentally swapped with a three skilling plate instead. As a result of this mix up a three skilling stamp, in the hue meant for the eight skilling stamp was produced. Interestingly the post office failed to notice this mistake and proceeded to sell the misprinted stamps to the public.

Discovery by Georg Wilhelm Backman

The Treskilling yellow stamp stayed out of sight for a time until it was found in 1886 by a stamp enthusiast named Georg Wilhelm Backman, who was exploring his grandmothers attic for additions, to his collection and stumbled upon a unique three skilling stamp, in yellow color not realizing its future as one of the most prized stamps globally.

At the age of fourteen then Backman was convinced to sell the stamp without much hesitation and let it go for just seven kronor (, around a dollar) to a dealer named Heinrich Lichtenstein in Stockholm. That transaction signaled the start of the Treskilling yellows voyage, among collectors and traders.

Notable Owners Through the Years

Following its purchase The Treskilling yellow passed through notable collectors, in Swedens history. In 1894, this prized possession was transferred from the hands of Sigmund Friedel, a known stamp enthusiast to Philipp von Ferrary for the sum of 4,000 Austro Hungarian gulden. Ferrary renowned for possessing the stamp collection included this distinct piece, in his already impressive compilation of rare stamps.

After Ferrary passed away in 1917 his collection was given to the Berlin Postal Museum. However following World War I France claimed it as part of Germany’s war reparations. Then the French authorities auctioned off Ferrarys collection scattering what was once a gathering.

During the 1920s a Swedish Baron named Eric Leijonhufved bought the Treskilling stamp for £694. On it was sold to Claes A. Tamm, an engineer, from Stockholm in 1926, for £1500. In 1928 the stamp was bought by a lawyer named Johan Ramberg for £2000 which was $15 000 back then.

The stamps adventure persisted as it traveled through the possession of individuals, like King Carol II of Romania and Belgian real estate tycoon René Berlingen. It’s worth kept rising solidifying its reputation as a coveted philatelic gem worldwide.

Unparalleled Rarity: The Only Known Example

The Treskilling yellow stamp is truly remarkable, in the field of philately due to its rarity and desirability among collectors. There is a known specimen in existence which adds to its allure and makes it highly coveted, as one of the most valuable stamps globally.

The Printing Error

In 1855 Sweden released its series of postage stamps featuring the coat of arms in five different values to suit the denominations of the national currency at that time which were skillings with plans, for a blue green three skilling stamp and a yellow eight skilling stamp.

A captivating mistake happened while printing the stamps when a defective eight skilling plate was accidentally switched with a three skilling plate instead. The outcome was a three skilling stamp, in the hue originally meant for the eight skilling stamp. Surprisingly enough this error slipped past the post office unnoticed and these misprinted stamps were actually sold to the public.

The definite quantity of Treskilling stamps produced is still a mystery, to this day. It is believed that the mistake might have happened towards the conclusion of the series, in 1858—right before Sweden implemented a currency system utilizing öre. This timing could clarify why the error remained unnoticed and why there are existing samples available.

Extensive Searches for Other Copies

Ever since the Treskilling yellow stamp was found in 1886; collectors and stamp enthusiasts have been, on the lookout for treasures far and wide in their pursuit of philatelic finds. After its discovery hopes were high that additional copies would emerge with time. However the years rolled by without any instances of the “Treskilling yellows”, leading many to believe that this particular stamp is not only rare but quite possibly one of a kind, in its rarity.

The group of people who are passionate, about stamp collecting has extensively looked through collections stored in attics and archives with the aim of discovering another Treskilling stamp but so far without success in finding any additional specimens to this day. This thorough exploration has only contributed to increasing the aura and significance of the stamp, in question.

Authentication Controversies

The Treskilling stamps exceptional scarcity and worth have sparked disputes regarding its authenticity over time. During the 1970s era, in Sweden the Swedish Postal Museum stirred up a commotion by denouncing the stamp as a fake. This proclamation ignited discussions and close examination, among stamp collectors.

To settle the issue at hand regarding the stamps authenticity two separate commissions rigorously examined the stamp using methods to scrutinize its paper material, ink composition and printing qualities. Following an analysis both commissions determined that the Treskilling yellow stamp was authentic all.

In 1975 Professor Diego Carlström and his research group performed examinations on the stamp. Their results were clear; the ink utilized for the Treskilling yellow was identical, to the ink utilized for the eight skilling stamps, from the printing. This proof effectively dispelled any remaining uncertainties regarding the stamps legitimacy.

The verification methods not prove the authenticity of the Treskilling stamp but also contribute to its captivating history. The stamps passage through examination has become an essential part of its narrative that boosts its appeal, to collectors and fans alike.

Record-Breaking Auction Sales

The Treskilling yellow stamp has been setting records in the field of stamp collecting by fetching higher prices with each sale due, to its rarity and historical importance—making it a must have item, for collectors worldwide.

Notable Auction Prices

The story of the Treskilling stamps travels through auctions showcases its growing worth, over time. Back in the 1920s a Swedish nobleman named Baron Eric Leijonhufvud bought the stamp for £694 – quite an amount back then. A few years later in 1926 an engineer, from Stockholm named Claes A. Tamm acquired it for £1,500 effectively doubling its value from before.

The price of the stamp kept rising over time. Back, in 1928 a Swedish lawyer named Johan Ramberg acquired it for £2k, which is $15k in today’s money. This purchase kick started a string of groundbreaking deals. In 1937 the stamp caught the interest of royalty when King Carol II of Romania bought it for £5k, an amount that would be than $30k, by todays standards.

Over time the worth of the Treskilling stamp rose dramatically The stamp gained attention in 1984 when auctioneer David Feldman sold it for 977500 Swiss francs That sale was soon followed by another in 1990 where it fetched a sum exceeding $1 million setting a fresh global record for a single postage stamp

The 2010 Sale

One of the sales, in recent times took place on May 22nd in 2010 when David Feldman oversaw the auction of the Treskilling yellow stamp in Geneva Switzerland once again in a rather secretive manner, with the buyers opting for anonymity and the winning bid remaining undisclosed although Feldman did confirm that this stamp was sold for at least $2.

Before the auction started experts had estimated the stamps value to be, between €1500000 and €2000000 ($1870000 to $2500000). The sale was swift indicating that the buyers had an amount in mind, for acquiring this one of a kind artifact.

Current Ownership

In 2013 reports surfaced that a prominent Swedish politician owns the Treskilling stamp and cherishes it in their collection without revealing the transaction specifics such, as the price paid. Adding to the mystique that has always enveloped this stamp.

The Treskilling stamps remarkable path, through auctions and private transactions has solidified its reputation as the most coveted stamp globally. Its ability to fetch prices showcases its distinctive position in the world of stamp collecting and its timeless allure to enthusiasts. With every transfer of ownership it undergoes a new layer is added to the captivating tale of this postage artifact erroneously printed in a different hue but valued far beyond its weight, in gold.

Why Collectors Covet the Treskilling Yellow

The Treskilling yellow stamp has enchanted collectors globally. Has become a cherished item, in the world of enthusiasts everywhere. We will delve into the factors contributing to its allure. Delve deeper into why it remains a coveted gem, among collectors.

Unique Error Stamp

The Treskilling yellow stamp is known for its significance, as an error in the world of history. In 1855, this currency rarity was unintentionally designed to be in a shade of green. However a captivating mistake occurred leading to its emergence. It is speculated that a defective printing plate for the eight skilling stamp was accidentally swapped with a plate, for the three skilling stamp giving rise to this one of a kind item.

The unique quality of this error stamp lies in its scarcity. Although a whole sheet was printed out at one point in time; only a single instance of the Treskilling yellow has been discovered to date. This extraordinary rarity has bestowed upon it a status, within the realm of stamp collecting. Enthusiasts are captivated by the notion of possessing a piece of past that’s singular and cannot be duplicated.

Historical Significance

The Treskilling yellow stamp is extremely valuable historically as it marks a time in postal history when Sweden was changing its currency from skilling to öre system which adds more depth, to its fascinating backstory.

The history of the stamps travels is just as intriguing as its origins suggest! Found back in 1885 by an enthusiast while sifting through correspondence and now having been held by key personalities, like King Carol II of Romania over time has undoubtedly enriched its story significantly. Transforming it from a mere stamp, into a genuine relic of the past.

Investment Potential

Collectors view the Treskilling stamp as an investment opportunity, due to its increasing value over time and record breaking sales history since its initial purchase for only 7 kronor. Now fetching millions, at auctions.

The fact that the stamp can fetch prices proves how timeless its charm is, in the eyes of collectors worldwide. In 2010 it was said to have been sold for a minimum of $2.3 Million and has retained its position as one of the stamps globally. This significant increase in worth makes it an appealing investment for collectors wishing to merge their interest, with benefits.

Furthermore​The special significance of the Treskilling Yellow being the existing specimen assures its enduring appeal​If no other duplicates emerge​it’s is expected to stay significant or even rise​This mix of scarcity​historical. Potential, for investment positions the Treskilling Yellow stamp as an ultimate aspiration for collectors​sought after, by stamp enthusiasts worldwide​


The Treskilling yellow stamp symbolizes the fascination, with rarity and historical importance in the field of stamp collecting known as philately. Its transformation from being a printing mistake to becoming a possession for collectors has intrigued both enthusiasts and investors. With its status and remarkable auction prices achieved over the years this stamp has solidified its place as a sought after artifact, in the realm of postal heritage.

In conclusion the tale of the Treskilling yellow is ongoing and evolving with each owner it gains a historical significance beyond being a mere stamp. It holds a narrative that sparks curiosity and fascination It’s lasting allure reminds us of the zeal of collectors and the everlasting worth of rare treasures.


The Treskilling Yellow, an 1855 Swedish postage stamp mistakenly printed in yellow, is valued at approximately USD 2.30 million.

To determine a stamp’s value, consider the following factors: the vibrancy of its color, the lightness of its cancelation marks if used, how well it is centered within its perforations, and the absence of any tears or damage.

The record for the highest auction price paid for a single stamp is USD 9.48 million, achieved by the British Guiana 1c magenta.

The 1-cent magenta stamp from British Guiana, issued in 1856, is often considered the rarest, as it is the only known example of this stamp.

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